Your Support Your Choice

Co-ordinators talk about work in the community

Published on Monday 6 October 2014 at 2:32 pm

Two Community Wellbeing Co-ordinators talk about the work they have done within the community.

Sonya Rustidge, whose role covers Blackburn West, and Jackie Cumpstey who works across Blackburn East, have enabled residents to get involved in activities such as coffee mornings, cookery sessions and tea dances, helping those who may feel isolated.

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Have a Coffee, a Cake and a Chat and Help Beat Cancer.

Published on Thursday 18 September 2014 at 3:30 pm

The world’s largest coffee morning is coming to Blackburn.

Launched in 1990 the Macmillan coffee morning has raised millions of pounds for the Charity and has allowed Macmillan Cancer Support to provide often life-saving and invaluable care to thousands of families and patients to overcome and understand life threatening and terminal diseases.

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