
Latest news listings for Blackburn with Darwen Council.

Coronavirus column: Health inequalities put us at greater risk

Published on Friday 21 January 2022 at 10:01 am

In his weekly column, Prof Dominic Harrison, our Director of Public Health,  reviews the current data and comments on the health inequalities that put areas like Blackburn with Darwen at a greater risk:

The good news is that it looks like the reported Covid Omicron case rate peaked in parts of Pennine Lancashire at or around the 5th January.

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More help for people self- isolating

Published on Thursday 13 January 2022 at 8:53 am

A Self- Isolation Support Pilot developed by Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council is helping people get the support they and their families need when self- isolating with Covid

As part of this government-funded pilot, the Council and its partners provide ‘Self Isolation Support Boxes’ to anyone who, when contacted by the Test and Trace Team, is identified as needing additional support to enable them to self- isolate.

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Driving a greener future

Published on Tuesday 11 January 2022 at 4:20 pm

How green can you be when driving? That’s the question Blackburn with Darwen’s Assistant Executive Member for Growth and Development Councillor Zainab Rawat is asking.

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2022 garden waste competition – terms and conditions

Published on Monday 10 January 2022 at 12:39 pm

The promoter is: Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council

The competition is open to residents of the Blackburn and Darwen, aged 18 years or over

There is no entry fee and no purchase necessary to enter this competition unless you wish to alternatively sign up to the garden waste collection scheme

By entering this competition, an entrant is indicating his/her agreement to be bound by these terms and conditions.

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This week’s Coronavirus Column: Tough 10 weeks ahead

Published on Thursday 6 January 2022 at 11:59 am

Here is the latest weekly column from our Director of Public Health Prof Dominic Harrison:

At their press conference on 4 January, the government announced it would continue with Plan B with the addition of extra daily lateral flow testing for about 100,000 ‘critical infrastructure’ workers in selected workplaces.

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This week’s Coronavirus Column

Published on Thursday 23 December 2021 at 10:34 am

Dominic Harrison: Director of Public Health and Wellbeing; Blackburn with Darwen

I think that England will inevitably have to follow Wales, Scotland, the Netherlands, Portugal, Finland, Germany and many other European countries and bring in further control measures to contain the spread of Omicron shortly after Christmas.

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Wainwright Bridge makeover timelapse film

Published on Friday 17 December 2021 at 4:19 pm

We know how much our residents love football and their home team, and we’re proud of our borough’s newest focal point – Wainwright Bridge adorned in the club’s famous blue and white colours.

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Running stories: Christine Warrington

Published on Friday 17 December 2021 at 1:42 pm

Running Mayor for Blackburn and Darwen, Andrew Gardner, is man on a mission to get more of us into our trainers and out of the house making running part of our wellbeing self-care:

“Running is for anyone – that’s one of the reason’s it’s so great is that you literally go at your own pace, and whatever ability level you’re at is fine as you get started.”

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Christmas kindness for care leavers in BwD

Published on Friday 17 December 2021 at 8:03 am

Almost £3,000 was raised to create individual gift bags for care leavers this month.

Thanks to Blackburn with Darwen Council Highways team, working with Local Council Roads Innovation Group (LCRIG) and local suppliers, 98 care leavers will be presented with individual gift boxes this Christmas.

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