Successful prosecution for failing to clean up after dog

Published Tuesday 9 December 2014 at 14:37

A woman was ordered to pay a total of £576 for allowing her dog to foul and not picking up the faeces forthwith.

Sharon Sykes, of Abraham Street, Blackburn, was found to be in breach of s59(2) the Clean Neighbourhoods & Environment Act 2005.

The defendants dog had been allowed into a gated back alley unsupervised and faeces had been left.

The defendant, who failed to attend court and entered no plea, was fined £200, ordered to pay victim surcharge of £20 and costs of £356.

Cllr Jim Smith, Executive Member for Environment said: “Those who blight our community and fail to clean up after their dogs will be prosecuted, and named and shamed in the press.

This type of disgusting behaviour is totally at odds with the vast majority of our boroughs dog owners, who want to see their streets clean and pick up after their dogs.