Say no to air litter and make a difference on Clean Air Day – June 16

Published Tuesday 14 June 2022 at 17:35

Air pollution is an invisible enemy, but that doesn’t mean we can’t fight it together.

#Airpollution dirties every organ in the body. This Thursday (June 16) on #CleanAirDay, walk those short distance trips and leave the car at home, where you can.

Young lungs are particularly at risk from air pollution, and those in our neighbourhoods living with conditions such as asthma too.

Every year, air pollution causes up to 36,000 deaths in the UK.  The World Health Organisation and the UK government recognise that air pollution is the largest environmental health risk we face today.

BwD Director of Public Health, Abdul Razaq, said:

Air pollution is the largest environmental risk to public health. There is no safe level of air pollution and even low levels can impact negatively on everyone’s health, especially for young children and people with underlying health conditions. By leaving your car at home and choosing to walk or cycle on Clean Air Day, you can help your local community to reduce emissions and enjoy being more active in the outdoors.

Find out more about Clean Air Day in BwD, and schools can download a free Clean Air Toolkit: Clean Air Day 2022 – Be Well BWD

graphic poster for clean air day

Here’s why Clean Air Day matters:

  • Focuses attention on air pollution

By all acting together on the same day, Clean Air Day cuts through to new audiences.

  • Helps to improve public understanding and increase levels of air pollution busting behaviours

Most people (90%) now report doing at least one thing to help reduce outdoor air pollution.

  • Showcases that a cleaner air future is both possible and desirable

As well as more EV charging points and e-bikes on the roads, we are seeing innovative new ways of doing things across BwD.

  • Demonstrates large-scale support for clean air, giving decision-makers a mandate to implement the system changes required

82% of people think that air pollution should be a priority for the UK an increase of 11% over the last three years.

air pollution clean air day pic

Assistant Executive Member for Growth and Development, Coun Zainab Rawat said:

Air quality is an important Public Health priority for the Council for improving both local health outcomes and supports our climate emergency goals. Every resident can make a big difference in adopting small changes in their daily routine. Air pollution can affect every organ in the body, and is especially detrimental to little ones. If you can change the way your family make the school run and other journeys by walking/cycling in our borough, you’ll be helping the entire community to breathe easier.

Things you can do:

  • Leave the car at home – walk, wheel or take public transport for your local journey
  • If you must use your car, turn your engine off when stopped for more than a minute
  • Walk the kids to school – and if you can’t make it on foot all the way, park a couple of blocks away and walk to the school gates
  • Take part in a Heritage Trail in Blackburn with BwD Connect (see poster).

heritage trail information poster

You can also take a pledge to make a difference for Clean Air Day. For example:

I pledge to give my car a day off on Clean Air Day

Join the campaign 👉 / @cleanairdayuk and use the social hashtags #cleanairday #publictransport to share your clean air journeys with friends, family and colleagues.

graphic poster for clean air day

And check out this great Clean Air Day walking playlist for your car-free journeys: