Support for local businesses during coronavirus – update

Published Thursday 26 March 2020 at 15:56

Blackburn with Darwen Council is committed to supporting our local businesses through these challenging times.

Following the Government’s announcement of extra support for business that have had to close, the Council has now received more information on the delivery of local grants to businesses.

The funds will are due to be with local businesses by Wednesday, April 1st and will be processed as soon as possible.

The Government is also due to announce further details of additional support for sole-traders and the self-employed shortly.

General information about how the Government is supporting businesses can be found here.

If any business is struggling to pay any of their outstanding invoices or accounts with the Council, then we want them to get in touch with us as quickly as possible using our online form.

We are committed to keep you updated with all the latest information and advice through our direct channels, business networks like the Hive, Blackburn’s BID, and the East Lancashire Chamber of Commerce.

The Council is also working with the Lancashire Enterprise Partnership and it Growth Hub – Boost – which will be aiming to provide more bespoke services to businesses in need.

Please see more information on this at:

Councillor Phil Riley, Executive Member for Growth and Development, said:

This is an extremely worrying time for everyone, with added pressure on businesses and their employees. Our thriving local businesses and firms are hugely important to us and to the borough and we are pulling out all the stops and doing everything we can to support them and give additional help.

Our teams are processing these grants as quickly as we can so that help can start to get to you in the coming weeks. We know these businesses are making huge changes and sacrifices and our teams are here to support you in every way we can.”