Published Monday 30 March 2020 at 16:30
Businesses open during the coronavirus emergency are being warned they must protect their staff.
The Council’s Public Protection team has received a number of complaints that a small number of premises may not be following social distancing guidelines and could be putting people at risk.
Businesses which are able to stay open during the coronavirus emergency and need to have staff on premises need to provide handwashing facilities or sanitiser, and allow staff to stay two metres apart wherever possible.
If they fail to do this, they will be breaching basic health and safety laws. They are also at risk of being sued by staff members who fall ill as a result.
Public Protection will be following up the reports and visiting businesses to make sure the guidelines are being followed and that staff are not being put at risk.
Councillor Jim Smith, Executive Member for Environment, said:
Some of these complaints are highlighting really worrying behaviour by some businesses. Some of this may be a misunderstanding of the guidelines but everyone needs to work out how to do this.
It would be completely irresponsible for any business to make their employees work under these conditions during the current coronavirus crisis. Health and safety is more crucial than ever.
The health of people living and working in the borough is the most important issue here. There are very clear rules on social distancing and rules on keeping everyone as safe as possible.”
For more on social distancing and health and safety guidelines go to: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-guidance-on-social-distancing-and-for-vulnerable-people/guidance-on-social-distancing-for-everyone-in-the-uk-and-protecting-older-people-and-vulnerable-adults
Filed under : businesses | coronavirus | Councillor | Jim Smith | public protection | staff safety