Cllr Jim Smith
Published Friday 13 October 2017 at 10:20
The Council is set to take back the borough’s streets from thoughtless dog owners and litter louts who blight our streets.
Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council is clamping down on dog fouling and litter dropping louts as part of increased environmental enforcement.
This has already seen increased fly-tipping enforcement across the borough and now street litter patrols will be issuing fixed penalty notices to anyone they see failing to pick up their dog’s mess, and anyone they see littering.
The Council has teamed up with Kingdom Environmental Enforcement Services to deliver this service. The private company will carry out enforcement work on behalf of the Council, issuing on-the-spot Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) to people caught failing to clean up after their dog, or dropping litter, cigarette stubs and chewing gum.
This approach has been rolled out in towns and cities across the country as a way to put a stop to littering.
Due to start on Wednesday, October 18th, the fixed penalties for littering will be £75. Fixed penalty notices for dog fouling will be £100, reduced to £75 if paid within 10 days.
This is a 12-month pilot scheme which will be self-financing, with the costs of enforcement being met from the income from Fixed Penalty Notices. It has been introduced because law abiding citizens are fed up with having to step round dog mess, and are fed up with litter on the streets.
Cllr Jim Smith, Executive Member for Environment, said:
Decent people in Blackburn and Darwen have simply had enough of this disgusting behaviour. This litter enforcement service is about taking back the streets for these law-abiding citizens, and making offenders take responsibility for their actions.’
Time and time again people have told me that dog fouling and litter are important priorities for them. It can spoil streets and communities and is a blight for so many people. They have had enough of the selfish minority of people who spoil our neighbourhoods for everyone.
So this is a warning for anyone who thinks they can leave their dog mess or drop litter and get away with it – you will likely end up with a big fine to pay.”
Filed under : Councillor | enforcement | fixed penalty | Jim Smith | litter