Published Wednesday 10 February 2021 at 13:10
A landlord has been fined after waste accumulated in the rear yard of a tenanted property on Infirmary Street in Blackburn.
Elahi Properties of Billinge Avenue, Blackburn were ordered to pay £1250 by the court, comprised of a £750 court fine and £500 costs.
The defendant was summonsed to appear in court on 2 February 2021 after ignoring repeated calls from the Council to take action. The case was proven in their absence.
In the past year, 40 waste prosecutions have been brought forward by the Council totalling nearly £16,000 in fines alone. The fines go to the Courts and the legal costs contribute towards the costs of taking the legal action.
Councillor Jim Smith, Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council’s Executive Member for Environment, said:
The Council won’t tolerate rubbish building up and causing issues for neighbours. Piles of rubbish are disgusting, the rotting waste causes bad smells and attracts vermin. There’s no excuse for it and it’s not fair on the people who live nearby.
Most residents take pride in their homes and surroundings, in fact we work with an army of volunteers who take to the streets daily to help rid our borough of litter.
We will do everything we can to help those who need it and take action against those who blatantly blight our neighbourhoods.
If you’re a resident with waste building up on your property, contact us and ask for support, or you could see yourself facing a fine.
If you’re a resident suffering similar problems with your neighbours, please get in touch, you can report any issues through our website.
The Council’s Environmental Waste Crime team has been working hard throughout the pandemic to make sure the borough is kept free from waste offences such as these. The Council always tries to work with residents and landlords before proceeding with a prosecution.
If you live in Blackburn with Darwen, you can book to visit your local Household Waste Recycling Centre to dispose of any extra waste for free. Visit: www.blackburn.gov.uk/waste
If you need to dispose of larger items, the Council also offers a low-cost bulky waste collection service starting from just £7.50, and many local charities will collect furniture to sell in their shops.
Residents can report issues of waste being left outside a property on the Council website.
Filed under : environment | prosecution | waste