Illegal tobacco seized in raids

Published Monday 20 March 2017 at 10:43

More than a thousand cigarettes and 60 packs of tobacco were confiscated in a raid by Trading Standards.

A test purchase operation coordinated by Blackburn with Darwen Trading Standards was carried out at Darwen Express Newsagents in Market Street, Darwen.

The shop owner was fined a total of £1,610, which included a fine, costs to the Council and a victim surcharge.

This was following up a complaint that had been made and 50g of illegal tobacco was sold to the test purchaser. Trading Standards Officers then inspected the shop and found 3kg of loose tobacco and 1,140 cigarettes on the premises, some of which were counterfeit and somewhere duty had not been paid.

The tobacco was seized. The company and owner Aram Kamil were prosecuted for a number of offences and pleaded guilty at Blackburn Magistrates court.

As well as issuing fines, victim surcharge and costs the magistrates ordered that the seized tobacco be destroyed.

Councillor Jim Smith, Blackburn with Darwen Council’s Executive Member for Environment, said:

The sale of illegal tobacco will not be tolerated by us. It harms legitimate businesses and damages communities.

Our trading standards officers work hard to keep illegal products off the streets and are cracking down on the businesses and individuals who flout the law. If you are selling these illegal products we will find you and you will be prosecuted.”