Darwen to join list of borough coronavirus testing sites

Published Wednesday 2 September 2020 at 14:19

As of Thursday, September 3 a new walk-in coronavirus local testing site (LTS) will be available on Railway Road Car Park in Darwen.

The site will open 2pm-5pm on the first day before reverting to 8am–8pm seven days a week from Friday, September 4th.

Everyone in Blackburn with Darwen is being encouraged to get tested, you don’t need to have symptoms of coronavirus.

The Council understands a new Darwen site may cause some confusion for some residents with the town only having recently come out of tougher restrictions.

However residents have been requesting a testing site in Darwen to complement those in Blackburn and the new one is simply part of the overall drive on case finding across the borough and efforts to keep the virus at bay.

Cases remain lower in Darwen and the new site is not a precursor to any imminent return to a localised lockdown.

The Council is advising that the new LTS is for pedestrians and so there won’t be any parking available on site. Those driving should find nearby free parking including Knott Street, Atlas Road or Darwen Market Roof Top. People who usually use Railway Road Car Park can also park for free on Knott Street Car park.

Visitors are asked to follow public health guidelines around social distancing and face coverings when on site.

To get tested you will need to register beforehand online or call 119. It takes about 5 minutes. Once registered you will get a code. You should take this with you so staff can attach it to your test.

Parents and carers will be asked to administer tests to children under the age of 11.

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