Published Thursday 4 July 2019 at 15:50
Residents and landlords who caused a ‘stink’ by leaving rubbish to pile up outside their properties in Blackburn with Darwen have been ordered to pay more than £2,000 in court fines and charges.
In the four cases brought by Blackburn with Darwen Council, neighbours had complained about the mounting rubbish – with the rear yards and gardens filled with rotting waste and discarded household furniture.
The defendants were summonsed to appear before Blackburn Magistrates after ignoring calls to take action by the council.
The largest fine was for Sunhurst Properties who were ordered to pay more than £1,200 for failing to act on a Section 80 Notice at a house they owned in Abraham Street, Blackburn.
The council’s Executive Member for Environment, Cllr Smith said:
We take all waste issues extremely seriously in our borough and we will investigate thoroughly when complaints are made.
We will also ensure we hold landlords to account as they are ultimately responsible for the properties and are required to take action.
We don’t ever enter in to court action lightly – it follows a full and thorough process during which all the defendants are offered our support and given a number of chances to right their wrongs.
The offences in the four cases were committed between October 2018 and February 2019.
Cllr Jim Smith, added:
It’s unfair for the neighbouring residents who have to live with the effects of this rubbish – including smells from the rotting waste and also the vermin it may attract.
Particularly at this time of year when we’re enjoying warmer weather, it really becomes a problem and not one people should have to put up with which is why action like this is really important.
Full prosecution details:
For failing to comply with a Section 80 Notice of the EPA (accumulation of waste in rear yard):
Sunhurst Properties, Beardwood, Blackburn – fined £750 with £518 costs – total: £1,268. Offence was committed in Abraham Street, Blackburn. Proved guilty in absence.
Miss Rebecca Charlotte Bullock, 32, Gordon Street, Darwen – fined £120 with £205 costs and a £30 victim surcharge – total: £355. Proved guilty in absence.
Miss Donna Marie Melia Grant, 43, Moorgate Street, Blackburn – fined £120 with £200 costs and a £30 victim surcharge – total: £350. Proved guilty in absence.
For failing to comply with a Section 4 Notice of the PDPA (accumulation of waste in the rear garden and failing to take steps to keep the land free from rats and mice):
Mr Mohammed Tanwer Malik, Whalley Range, Blackburn – fined £80 with £200 costs and a £30 victim surcharge – total £310. Offence was committed at Douglas Place, Blackburn. Written guilty plea.
To find out more about waste services in Blackburn with Darwen, including how to report an issue, visit: www.blackburn.gov.uk
Filed under : Cllr Jim Smith | environment | waste