Published Thursday 13 July 2023 at 14:16
A new campaign for older people has been launched in Blackburn with Darwen.
Called Ageing Well, it aims to help older people – as we all have good times throughout our lives – but as we get older, we do face new challenges.
Help and support for older people will be promoted throughout the next year as part of a new campaign to boost the borough’s wellbeing.
Our new Aging Well campaign can help you face these challenges by putting you in touch with people and services that can help you to feel yourself again.
The campaign is being run by Blackburn with Darwen Council and our partners in Age UK, and over the next few months we will be highlighting the different services in our borough which are there just to support you to help you in the business of Aging Well – with happiness, self-contentment, enjoyable social relationships, and your independence.
A launch event for the campaign was held at Albion Mill and was officially opened by The Mayor of Blackburn, Cllr Parwaiz Ahktar, with welcome speeches from Cllr Brian Taylor, Older People’s Champion in the borough, and Vicky Shepherd, Chief Executive of Age UK Blackburn with Darwen, and a visit from Councillor Damian Talbot, Executive member for Public Health, Prevention and Welbeing.
There was also a chance to join in with Talk and Tunes, a singalong session for people aged 50+ sessions, which are just £1 per session and are a chance to have a brew, a chat, a sing-a-long and meet new people.
The launch had some rousing renditions of Neil Diamond classics including Sweet Caroline, as well as loads of other classic pop songs – the sessions run every Tuesday from 2.30pm to 3.30pm and are just £1 to take part, and everyone is welcome.
Some older people have also been telling us about their secrets to Ageing Well! Jean Armstrong, 85, from Blackburn, said:
I think you have to just keep going in the best way you can! I try and keep busy and keep doing things, I think that’s important.
I have some lovely friends and we try and get out and do things together, and keep interested in life. I always say that this isn’t a practice run, so you have to try and make the most of it!”
Janet Cottam, 78, added:
It’s just about carrying on doing things you enjoy if you can, I think. I like being busy and getting out, and we love coming to all our activities, you do make lots of friends at different groups and we are all in the same boat. It’s lovely seeing people at the groups.”
The campaign is for all older people – whether you are lonely, have been bereaved, if you are dealing with a new health condition, have caring responsibilities or you just want to get out more and meet people and don’t know where to start – we are here to help you.
Remember the old saying – a problem shared is a problem halved?
All these situations can take their toll on your wellbeing and happiness and this can make it harder to carry on doing the things you enjoy. But support is out there.
It can be hard to ask for help, especially if you haven’t done it before, but help received at the right time can set you right and allow you to continue doing all the things you love.
Speaking at the launch, Cllr Brian Taylor said:
When we have any Council meetings we have to declare a Personal Interest in anything we are discussing, and well I’m 74 next week so I’m told that qualifies me as an older adult, although I’m still not sure about the adult bit!
I think this campaign, and Ageing Well, is all about wellbeing, and wellbeing is something that definitely affects all our lives, especially as we find ourselves getting older. Wellbeing is about our lives going well and feeling good about ourselves, and it includes emotions and showing interest, engaging, confidence, empathy and showing affection.
All these things are really important, as well as making the most of our circumstances and having control of our lives. Having a purpose and a goal in life, positive relationships and keeping as active as you are able to – this can really help your mental health and wellbeing. So take a look at what we have on offer in the borough for this campaign, it could really make a difference.”
Age UK’s Vicky Shepherd added:
Age UK BwD is really pleased to be working with BWD’s Public Health and other partners on this campaign focussing on positive mental health and wellbeing for older people and it’s probably never been more needed than now
Challenges with mental health and wellbeing for some older people are not a new thing – they have always been there and are caused by many different things for individuals such as living with a long term physical condition, living with a condition such as dementia, loneliness and unwanted isolation, bereavement, caring responsibilities, and wider issues such as housing or financial worries.
This campaign is focused both on what people can do themselves to improve their mental health and wellbeing but also encouraging people to access the support and services available too.
We are thankful to the local authority for recognising the need for this campaign as a priority issue and look forward to seeing the impact over the coming months.”
Whether you need an ear to talk to, a course to help you learn a new skill or a group to help you meet new people or keep you physically active, the campaign can point you in the right direction.
Not sure what you need? We can help with that too. We will be sharing stories of local people, their challenges and what it was that helped them to find joy and happiness again.
So why not join us and give something a go?
Here are some useful contacts to get you started – with information on groups, activities and support:
Age UK Blackburn with Darwen – Tel: 01254 266620 Email: heretohelp@nhs.net Website: www.ageukbwd.org.uk
BwD Carers Service Tel: 01254 688440 Email: office@bwdcarers.org.uk Website: www.bwdcarers.org
Flourishing Minds Tel: 01257 682037 Email: flourishingminds@lancashiremind.org.uk Website: www.lancashiremind.org.uk
Wellbeing Service Tel: 01254 682037 Email: wellbeing@blackburn.gov.uk Website: www.refreshbwd.com
Care Network Tel: 01254 507255 Email: info@carenetwork.org.uk Website: www.carenetwork.org.uk
For more info visit: www.bewellbwd.com
Filed under : Age UK | Ageing Well | Brian Taylor | Councillor | Damian Talbot | mayor | mental health | older people | Parwaiz Ahktar | Vicky Shepherd | wellbeing