Zoom and the art of bicycle maintenance

Published Thursday 11 February 2021 at 11:39

If you love a bike ride to blow away the cobwebs, or just to get from home to the shops and back, we have an essential Zoom call for your diary!

Currently the Government advises everyone in England to stay home as much as possible to help stop the spread of coronavirus. But we’re also being advised to keep a check on our fitness and mental wellbeing with daily activity outdoors.

Read the latest GOV rules for exercising outdoors: National lockdown: Stay at Home.

Since the first lockdown began last March, we’ve all found new ways to stay connected with friends, family and colleagues. Now you can get tips and tricks to assist your bicycle maintenance via video conferencing, thanks to the re:fresh BwD team.

Bike maintenance

Every Friday lunchtime, Ant from re:fresh is offering free virtual cycle maintenance to  residents. The idea is to get more people of all ages and abilities on their bike for their daily exercise and essential travel while following covid-safety guidelines. And also to help residents prepare for a more active life post-lockdown. The Zoom sessions give residents a chance to ask a mechanic anything bicycle related, to create a community, and hopefully encourage people to do basic bike maintenance at home.

Ant said: “The performance of your bike will make cycling a more enjoyable and easier endeavour. A large proportion of the most common issues can be avoided by simply monitoring wear and tear. It’s my aim to answer your questions about maintenance, but also to give insight into how the issue occurred, and what can be done in the future to stop it from happening again. This will improve the performance of the bike in the long run, and it will keep the maintenance costs lower too.”

Join the re:fresh BwD Cycling Zoom Q&A and have all your questions answered by professional mechanic and instructor Ant. No question is too big or small, every Friday between 11.15-12.15pm

Join the Q&A

Meeting ID – 875 7049 8374 Passcode: 427503

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