Youth group launch drug and alcohol misuse video

Published Tuesday 17 October 2017 at 11:17

One Voice has teamed up with CGL Inspire and GO2 to produce a video to highlight drug and alcohol misuse.

A recovering drug addict who first used cocaine after she became a mum has spoken about her dark struggle and how she now wants to help people from the Asian community.

Sara, from Blackburn said that despite her ‘normal’ childhood and happy life, she began using drugs and alcohol after having children.

Sara has now worked with CGL Inspire and GO2 and Community Group One Voice’s youth faction 2020 Vision to launch a video in a bid to reach out to people from the Asian community who feel they have no help.

Jackie McVan, Services Manager at Inspire said:

It is important that people can connect and recognise similarities with likeminded people, to share experiences, learn together, offer peer support and address isolation.

This is particularly true when dealing with some behaviours that might make a person feel stigmatised, shame or fear.

Substance use can and does affect many people from all backgrounds.

At Inspire and Go2 we want to support communities to be able to discuss these issues openly, with consideration and care.

The video was produced by 2020 Vision’s Juwairiyyah Mubarak. The video will form part of the Baiter Sehat project, in partnership with Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council.