Your bin collection information packs are being delivered this week

Published Tuesday 27 September 2016 at 15:42

Packs with information about the borough’s new bin collection services are being delivered to residents this week.

In some areas bin collection days are changing, starting on October 3, 2016. The information packs include calendars with your new collection dates for the months ahead.

Residents will still have a collection every week – one week rubbish will be collected from the burgundy bin, the next week recycling will be collected from the grey bin.

To ensure people know about the changes, letters are being sent to every household in the borough with information on how the new service will work.

The council has also set up Facebook and Twitter pages called ‘bwdbins’ to keep residents informed and give useful tips on how to recycle more.

In addition to this, roadshows have been taking place throughout the borough, with another two scheduled for later this week.

The roadshows have been organised to also help people to learn more about recycling, get hints and tips on how to waste less and save money.

Various activities will be taking place on the roadshow bus including:

  • Demos using real bins to show what you can and can’t recycle
  • Recording of podcasts asking people what they think can/can’t be recycled
  • Handing out of information
  • Demonstration of the Council website/filling in online forms –

Friday, September 30

  • Morning (10am to noon):  Rothesay Road, Shadsworth
  • Afternoon (1pm to 4.30pm): Troy Street, Whalley Range

Saturday, October 1

  • Morning (10am to 1pm):  Blackburn, King William Street
  • Afternoon (1.30pm to 4.30pm): Darwen, outside the Market

The changes will help save money and help the Council to protect important services, as well as having benefits for the environment, helping to improve recycling rates and reduce the costs of refuse disposal as well as refuse collection.

Provision will be made for larger households with four or more occupants, who are recycling, to be able to exchange their 140 litre burgundy bin for a 240 litre burgundy bin on request. People can apply for a larger bin between now and 18 December 2016.

After this time, any household that applies for a larger bin will have to have an audit of their waste to qualify. All the current help for vulnerable people will remain in place.

We need to increase recycling rates in the borough from the current rate of 36% to at least 50%, the Government’s target, by 2020. If we fail to meet recycling targets we face hefty Government fines.

You can sign-up to a free mybwd account at to:

  • Report missed bins
  • Uncollected/lost bins
  • Order new bins
  • Arrange collections when you move house
  • Arrange an assisted bin collection
  • Find out collection days

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