You can adopt: call for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic adopters

Published Thursday 6 August 2020 at 11:33

A report published by the government shows that the North West has more children awaiting adoptive families as there are adopters.

In every region there are more children than approved adopters with a BAME background. Children with a BAME background and part of a sibling group wait to be placed, on average, 23 months – that’s 2 months more than children with a white background! Children with an Asian Pakistani background wait on average 47 months to be placed with adoptive parents.

Top North West based adoption agency, Adoption Now is keen to recruit BAME adopters from Blackburn with Darwen and are asking those interested in adoption to contact them to find out more about adopting local children who are awaiting safe, loving homes.

Councillor Julie Gunn, Executive Member for Children, Young People and Education, said:

Children who come to adoption do so because their birth families are unable to care for them. Many of them have experienced difficult starts in life.

All of these children need a loving, stable home. They need support and love to help them overcome their troubled backgrounds, make sense of who they are and grow up to be safe and secure.

Being an adoptive parent can be challenging but it can also be very rewarding.

Karen Barrick, Head of Service at Adoption Now, states:

We have a number of BAME children awaiting adoption. Adoption transforms the lives of those it touches and we’re asking anyone who has ever thought about adoption, to talk to us as we are open as usual, offering support and advice about becoming an adopter, the process, and adoption support.

Whether you’re married, single, gay or heterosexual, don’t rule yourself out, if you think you might be able to give a child or children a loving home, please get in touch.

In addition to children waiting for adoption coming from a variety of cultures and ethnic backgrounds, there are also sibling groups, some children which have additional emotional or health needs, and those who are a bit older.

Adoption Now is looking for adopters for around 90 children in their care but specifically for those who are willing to consider children with a BAME background who wait longer, regardless of whether they have a disability or are waiting to be placed as part of a sibling group.

For more information about adoption in Blackburn with Darwen contact Adoption Now on 01204 336096 or visit where you can complete an online enquiry form.

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