Greg Brett (Senior Project Manager with Eric Wright Civil Engineering) joins Cllr Dave Smith and Cllr Jane Oates with Winners L/R Abigail aged 10, Henry aged 5 and Erin aged 7 at Avondale Primary School, in Darwen
Published Wednesday 27 February 2019 at 11:32
Children at Avondale Primary School have put their artistic talents to good use to help create a colourful display in Darwen Market Square.
The pupils entered a competition to create health and safety posters for the construction site in the square.
The competition took place following a series of health and safety classroom sessions held by construction company Eric Wright. The theme was how to be safe on construction sites and what to do and what not to do.
The winners were revealed at a special assembly attended by Greg Brett, Senior Project Manager with Eric Wright Civil Engineering, Councillor Jane Oates, pupils, staff and parents. The winning posters have been printed and can be seen around the site, encouraging everyone to stay safe on and near construction sites.
Cllr Jane Oates, said:
The effort that had gone in to all the posters was brilliant, so a well done to everyone who took part. Special congratulations to all the winners; not only do the posters look fantastic around Darwen Market Square but they are also helping to keep people safe.”
Gavin Hulme, operations director for Eric Wright Civil Engineering said:
Following our Safe Play At All Times (SPLAAT) presentation and competition at Avondale Primary School in Darwen, we were very impressed with the fantastic safety posters designed by the children.
The four winners selected each received a £10 book token and copies of their winning designs have been made into large posters to be displayed on our site hoardings. Thanks again to all the teachers and children at Avondale Primary School who took part – Well done!”
As part of the scheme, the Council and Eric Wright have made the commitment to support the local supply chain, support careers education and information and commit to curriculum development in local schools and colleges.
Filed under : Avondale Primary School | Councillor | Darwen Market Square | Eric Wright | Jane Oates