Published Wednesday 31 May 2017 at 14:01
Voters who want to use a proxy vote in next month’s general election must hand in their applications by 5pm today – Wednesday, May 31st.
The election takes place next month on June 8 and locally voters will cast their ballots to elect an MP for Blackburn or an MP for Rossendale and Darwen.
You can ask anyone to act as your proxy – as long as they’re registered to vote and they’re allowed to vote in the same type of election.
They can be taken to Blackburn Town Hall reception where they will scan and email it to the election team, or you can email the form to voting@blackburn.gov.uk
Darwen residents can drop their proxy vote applications at Darwen Town Hall and staff will scan and email the form for you.
For more information about the upcoming elections and voting, visit the Council website on www.blackburn.gov.uk
Alternatively, visit the Government’s website www.gov.uk/register-to-vote