Will You Be Cheering The Blackburn Winter Warmer Runners?

Published Tuesday 31 January 2017 at 16:15

A special appeal for enthusiastic spectators has been issued by the organisers of Blackburn’s annual 10k road race.

Blackburn Road Runners are asking for people to line the route of the ‘Winter Warmer’ and help ensure the event further grows its reputation as being one of the friendliest around.

This year the event is being dedicated to Andrew Boardman, a much respected Blackburn Road Runner who recently died suddenly. Jackie and Bob Boardman, his parents, are officially opening the event on Sunday, February 5th at Witton Park.

The event, which is sponsored by a variety of local businesses and run by volunteers, is full with 600 runners signed up and a waiting list in place. It starts at 11am and there is a separate 2k race for young people aged between 5 and 15 which starts at 10am. The 300 spaces are filling up fast with some local schools taking teams, and of course the BRR mascot Milo will be there to run with everyone. Online entries can be done via https://bookitzone.com

There are lots of viewing points or ‘cheer stations’  along the scenic route with members of the popular Blackburn 5k Run Group already signing up to cheer alongside the official marshals.

Chairman of Blackburn Road Runners, Sue Wolstenholme, said:

The Winter Warmer is quickly becoming more of a whole community event. It’s great that so many people have already said they will come and line the route and support and encourage the runners. We are constantly being told what a friendly bunch we have in Blackburn.

There is a really good mix of runners, everything from the fastest club runners from across the North West to first time runners and people raising money in memory of loved ones. It’s the only 10k that Blackburn has and the children’s race is fantastic to watch too.”

 The route starts on Witton Park track goes out behind the pavilion and up the hill to Witton Park School car park out onto Buncer Lane, along Billinge Ave and Assheton Rd and back onto Buncer lane, left at the top onto Billinge End Road. Then downhill passing The Clog and Billycock Pub on the left hand side, rising up towards Pleasington then left turn before The Priory  and along the pathway towards the Duck Pond. Then right at the duck pond down Cemetery Road, left at the bridge and follow the river path back past the Tower Road car park and AstroTurf  pitches. Then there will be a final swing left over the bridge and following the main park road back round the rear of the pavilion and into the track. Then just one and a half loops of the track to finish!