What’s On in Blackburn with Darwen: 3-9 November

Published Friday 31 October 2014 at 16:09

Here’s our weekly list of events in & around Blackburn & Darwen from Monday 3rd November to Sunday 9th November 2014.

To avoid disappointment, please contact the venues to make sure that there are still tickets/places available. For more information see our web site www.visitblackburn.co.uk or contact Blackburn Visitor Centre tel: 01254 688040/ email: visit@blackburn.gov.uk

Blackburn Town Centre:

3rd Nov: The Courteneers, King Georges Hall SOLD OUT

4TH Nov until 29th Nov: Portrait of a Cathedral & other works on paper by Patrick Troughton, The Crypt, Blackburn Cathedral 10am -4pm

6th Nov: Fell Creatures, Talk by Barry Durham, Blackburn Library 2pm

6th Nov: Hall Tour, King Georges Hall 10.30am

6th Nov until 16th Nov: Papergirl Exhibition, St John’s Centre

6th Nov: Blackburn Film Club presents Northern Soul, Barzooka 8pm

6th Nov: Tom Slade, King Georges Hall 8pm

7th Nov: FNL Blackburn, live music at Blakeys, King Georges Hall from 9pm

7TH Nov: Georges Comedy Club, King Georges Hall, 8pm

8th Nov: The Clone Roses, King Georges Hall 7.30pm

8th Nov: Renaissance Singers Autumn Concert, Choral Music of America, Blackburn Cathedral 7.30pm

8th Nov until 10th Jan 2015: Nadeem Baghdadi, Taha Calligraphy, Blackburn Museum & Art Gallery, Wed – Sat 12- 4.45 pm

9th Nov: Remembrance Sunday, Blackburn Cathedral 9.30am then to Remembrance Garden, Corporation Park 11am

11th Nov: Two Minutes Silence, outside Blackburn & Darwen Town Halls 11am

Until 15th November:  WW1 Exhibition: Their Story, Our Story, Blackburn Museum & Art Gallery

Darwen Town Centre:

3rd Nov: Letting Go – the Sedona Method, Darwen Library 7pm

4th Nov: Don Banks Variety Show, Darwen Library Theatre 2pm

8th Nov: Short Service of Remembrance, outside Town Hall, Darwen, 11am followed by wreath laying at Belgrave Square War Memorial.

8th Nov: Carven Heifer, Bonfire from 5pm

8th & 9th Nov: Trails in the Park, Sunnyhurst Wood Visitor Centre 12-3.30pm

9th Nov: Remembrance Sunday at  St Pauls School, Hoddlesden 9.15am followed by wreath laying at Hoddlesden War Memorial

9th Nov: Remembrance Sunday at St Peter’s Church, Darwen at 2.30pm followed by a service at The War Memorial, Bold Venture Park.

Until 5th Dec: WW1 drawings and art works by James H. Morton -Exhibition at Darwen Library

25th Oct Until 7th Dec:   A presentation of original paintings by amateur artists from the Farington Art Group.  Sunnyhurst Wood Visitor Centre. Open Thursday – Sunday & Bank Hols 1pm– 4.30pm


Other Events Around the Borough:

3rd Nov: Monday Club Variety Show, Thwaites Empire Theatre 2pm

5th Nov: Wainwright View Point Walk, Witton Country Park Pavilion 1.30pm

6th Nov: Stress Management Workshop, Pleckgate High School 6-8pm

7th Nov: After Hours Tour, Turton Tower from 5pm(afternoon Tea) or 6pm (light supper)

7th Nov: Brass for Heroes with Blackburn & Darwen Band, Thwaites Empire Theatre 7.30pm

7th Nov: Family Bonfire, Wellybobs Farm, Darwen from 6pm

8th Nov: Volunteer Day, Corporation Park, 10am

8th Nov: Sports Leaders Course, Witton Park High School 9am=4pm

8th Nov: Family Bonfire, Witton Country Park from 5pm

8th Nov: Havelock Inn Bonfire from 5pm

9th Nov: Blackburn Music Society, Faure’s Requiem, Pleasington Priory 7pm

9th Nov: Young Rebel Set, King Georges Hall 7pm

We try our best to keep up to date with what’s going on around the Borough but if you know of any other events please let us know so that we can add them to our listings.

If you know of anyone else who would like to receive our weekly updates please email us their details: visit@blackburn.gov.uk

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