Published Tuesday 18 April 2017 at 12:23
A Darwen group is going from strength to strength with “Water Walking” sessions at Darwen Leisure Centre and is encouraging more people to join in.
The group grew from Aquastride sessions organised by the Blackburn with Darwen Council Healthwise project, which accepted referrals from GPs and physiotherapists for an initial 12 week course. Participants in the group enjoyed the courses so much and saw a whole range of benefits that they wanted to extend the group into a regular weekly session.
Water Walking builds muscle strength, increases mobility and, being a low-impact exercise, is perfect for people who are recovering from injury or operations.
The Water Walking sessions take place every Tuesday between 12 noon and 1pm and we met with some of the participants to find out why they take part.
Rena Barnes from Hoddlesden said,
I was originally referred by my GP to help with high blood pressure and to relive stress. I love the sessions so much because you can go at your own pace and it is such a friendly group too. So, as well as the health benefits, I have made some great friends too.
Debbie Ratcliffe from Blackburn added,
I have lost 5 stones since I began and I just feel so much better. The group is so welcoming, that you want to return week after week.
The group have given names to some of their exercises including the Rocking Horse, the Crab Walk, Bunny Hops and even the John Cleese!
Linda Birtwell, a re:fresh Activator at Blackburn with Darwen Council said,
We are encouraging as many people to take part in the session. It’s a great way to improve general health and have a great time too. We have men and women of all ages taking part and we would welcome more people to give it a try.
Councillor Damian Talbot, Executive Member for Culture, Leisure and Young People said:
It’s great to see this group go from strength to strength helping residents not only recover from injury or operations in a fun and social able way but by also helping improve their general health and wellbeing.
The Water Walking session takes place at Darwen Leisure Centre every Tuesday from 12 noon to 1pm and costs £4.15 for adults and £2.50 for OAPs. It is free for Regency Fitness members. If you require further information about this session please contact The Wellbeing Service on 01254 682037.