Trial to help people rally round the vulnerable

Published Monday 9 November 2015 at 13:21

Technology which helps friends, families and volunteers support frail, ill or recently discharged patients is being trialled across Lancashire.

Community groups, Local Authorities and CCGs are working together to pilot a new digital initiative called Rally Round, which helps people organise support in a clear and structured way for people they are looking after.

It is a simple idea. A co-ordinator, who is usually the main carer for the person who is being rallied around, invites family, friends and volunteers into an online private support network where support needs are listed.

Everyone in a support network can easily see what needs doing, what jobs they and others have already volunteered to do, and jobs that have been completed.

Healthier Lancashire is funding five Rally Round projects across Lancashire to see what impact the software has as a a digital solution to managing demands on services and addressing issues such as social isolation.

The scheme is being backed by Third Sector Lancashire, a consortium of organisations dedicated to improving the effectiveness of the third sector through partnership.

Declan Hadley, Digital Health lead for Lancashire, said:

“Public services, especially the NHS, are facing huge challenges now and in the future because of scarce resources and increasing pressures on services. We cannot simply carry on doing the things the same way. Healthier Lancashire have invested in a number of pilots to see if Rally Round can provide a digital solution to one of the main challenges we face, which is preventing people getting into the health and social care system in the first place. We will trial it, see how well it works and support local third sector organisations to continue to use it if it is successful.”

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