‘Toy Store’ helps bring Christmas cheer

Published Monday 1 December 2014 at 17:12

The Children’s Storehouse is again opening its Toy Store this month, helping families who would otherwise be unable to give their child a present this Christmas.

Run by Blackburn Vineyard Church, the service provides good quality toys, games and books to those who have been referred by agencies, such as children’s services, social services and health professionals.

Based at their Red Rose Court premises close to the town centre, once families are formally registered arrangements are made for them to visit and enjoy a ‘toy store’ style experience.

With the numbers expected to utilise the service, there is still a need for good quality second hand or new toys, books and games.

If anyone would like to donate or for more information they can call on 01254 423912, or email storehouse@blackburnvineyard.org.uk