Published Tuesday 15 September 2015 at 11:45
A regular programme of town centre guided walkabouts for town centre staff, shoppers and visitors have been announced.
It is the latest initiative by the Blackburn BID following the success of the Walk the Walk activity staged by the Business In the Community Health High Streets Initiative.
Last week, shop staff from Boots, Greggs and Santander took part in a one hour walk around the main regeneration sites in the town centre with a member of the Council regeneration department, Julia Simpson, and Harriet Roberts, Blackburn BID Manager.
Retail Manager Rachel Graham said that her staff felt inspired by the level of investment going on and felt it really useful to find out for themselves about the plans for Blackburn in the future. She recommended that the exercise is repeated and that more walks should be arranged.
The next ‘Walk the Walk’ will take place on Wednesday, September 16 and Friday, September 25 and are open to everybody. Participants are advised to wear suitable clothing and should meet at 12.45pm at the Visitor Centre on Blackburn Market. The tour leaves at 1pm in the direction of the Cathedral Quarter development.
Filed under : Blackburn Bid | Blackburn Town Centre | walk the Walk