Town Centre Businesses add some Vintage Weekend Fun!

Published Monday 24 September 2018 at 15:54

Over ten thousand people enjoyed the Vintage Carnival event this weekend with some iconic classic fairground rides and free entertainment.

The Blackburn Business Improvement District (BID), which is funded by town centre businesses, organised the event to add some extra sparkle to people’s trips into the town.

The giant red and white helter skelter returned to the town for the first time in 3 years. The wooden classic, which is one of only two left in the country, took a team 7 hours to build and almost topped the height of Blackburn’s clock tower. It was joined by a golden carousel, traditional Ferris wheel and a range of children’s rides all priced at a family friendly price of just 50p a ride. Some lucky visitors to Blackburn town centre businesses were also treated to free vouchers.

A hands-on Victorian circus workshop drew crowds of people looking to try their hand at plate spinning, diablo, juggling and stilt walking and there were queues all day for award winning balloon modeler Bob Wooding’s free creations. Even the stern giant ringmaster broke into a smile as he entertained visitors.

Blackburn with Darwen Mayor, Councillor Pat McFall joined in the fun with a go at plate spinning and a run ride on the carousel!

Visitor Rachel Doyle said,

The kids really enjoyed it. Fantastic that the rides are only 50p each, with four children fairground rides can be an expensive day out, but today they all got to go on everything twice!! Thanks for making it affordable.

Wendy Cooper added,

The grandchildren loved being in Blackburn today.


The event is part of the program of events and initiatives that are funded by town centre businesses to make Blackburn a great place to visit. The BID, which comes to the end of its first term in 2018, is asking town center businesses to vote ‘YES’ in October to another 5 years of the BID from 2019. Without the BID, these events and a range of safety and environmental improvements in the town centre will end in December 2018.

To find out more about the BID’s achievements and work over the last five years visit