THIS SATURDAY: Blackburn Pride 2022

Published Tuesday 14 June 2022 at 12:25

We’re so proud to welcome Blackburn’s first ever official Pride event on Saturday 18th June.

Don’t miss out on what will be a spectacular day of fun and celebrations. Come down to King William Street between 11am – 7pm to get involved.

You can see the full schedule in the poster below.

Blackburn Pride Schedule 1

The vivacious Ambyr Leaf will be your host, with performances from Magic Marc, the mesmerising Aerial Angels, music from Blackburn People’s Choir and so much more. And the event is completely free!

There’ll also be a silent disco at spacefiftynine on King William Street between 1:30-2:30pm and and 3pm – 4:30pm (please note: £5 refundable deposit for headphones).

Blackburn Library have activities on too, with story-telling and badge-making sessions running until 3pm on the day.

Everyone and anyone is welcome.

Please share far and wide and click ‘going’ on the Facebook event.

We can’t wait to see you there!

You can also join for the family-friendly Pride After Party at Geek Retreat on Church Street in Blackburn from 7:30pm. Tickets are only £2 and available to buy directly at the shop.

Cllr Jim Shorrock, Chair of Blackburn Pride Committe and formed BwD Mayor, said:

It is indeed a privilege to be appointed as Chair of Blackburn Pride. As a Councillor of eighteen years standing and former Mayor of Blackburn with Darwen, I am keen to see Blackburn host its own Pride event, giving our LGBT+ community a focal point and a great opportunity for all our townsfolk to celebrate the wonderful diversity of our borough.

Blackburn Pride is organised by a team of individuals who have secured sponsorship and support to fund the event.

You can find more information on their website.