Temporary road closure for completion of Cathedral Quarter highway works

Published Thursday 2 October 2014 at 10:14

A major phase of the highway works for the Cathedral Quarter development is due to take place this month.

Once completed, the temporary traffic lights will be removed from the former boulevard. The works involve the resurfacing of Railway Road in a high quality, hard wearing material.

In order for the surfacing to be given time to set, the road will need to be closed for a week from October 27th.

Diversions from the north and the south of the town will be in place along with signage for motorists.

Buses will also be diverted from Railway Road and all services will begin and terminate at the bus station. The bus stop on Railway Road will be temporarily stopped and outbound services only will  stop on Higher Church Street, outside Debenhams.

Pedestrians will not be affected and can still walk through the area. All businesses including Morrisons, the car parks, taxi rank at the rear of the railway station and Blackburn Youth Zone will all maintain access.

The road will be resurfaced from the junction of Bridge street to High Street, adjacent to the Adelphi pub.  High Street will remain open and available to the hackney taxi rank.

The Council is also looking at the possibility of a Shuttle bus around the town centre for people with mobility problems access the bus station, railway station and Morrisons. The bus stops, once they have been confirmed, will be well signposted.

Officers will be speaking to all businesses in the area about the temporary closure and access arrangements.

At the same time, the steel work will start to rise from the ground to form the shape of the 6 storey  hotel and  office building.

Smaller resurfacing works nearer to the Penny Street end of Railway Road will take place in the New Year.

Councillor Maureen Bateson, Executive Member for Regeneration, said:

This is the last final push in good time before the Christmas embargo at the end of November. The resurfacing work has been scheduled for half term when we hope it will be quieter but we do appreciate there will be some short term further disruption.

Diversions will be clearly signposted and we will make sure there is plenty of information available for bus passengers both at the bus station and the Visitor Centre and on the Council website.