Published Monday 8 September 2014 at 13:02
A landlord of a property in Darwen was ordered to pay fines and costs of £1060 after pleading guilty at Blackburn magistrate’s court.
Mr Simon Vickers, who was charged with failing to apply for a selective licence within a selective licensing area, was found guilty in his absence.
The offence, dating back to September 2010, saw Mr Vickers in breach of part three of the Housing Act 2004, which requires landlords in selective licensing areas to apply for a selective licence in order to legally let the property to tenants.
Magistrates ordered fines of £600, costs of £400 and a victim surcharge of £60 to be paid.
Cllr Yusuf Jan – Virmani, Executive Member for Neighbourhoods, Housing and Customer Services said:
“This conviction shows that as a council, we are committed to ensuring private landlords operate legally within the borough. I welcome this judgement by the magistrate’s court, and I hope this can send the clear message to the minority of irresponsible landlords who try to work outside the law and do not have the correct licences necessary, that they will not be tolerated, and we will prosecute where possible.”
Filed under : Councillor | Landlord | Licensing | prosecution | Yusuf Jan-Virmani