Steel signing ceremony at bus station

Published Friday 5 September 2014 at 15:00

A steel signing ceremony was held at the new Blackburn bus station to mark the continuing progress.

Councillor Maureen Bateson, Executive Member for Regeneration and Councillor Andy Kay, Executive Member for Resources from Blackburn with Darwen Council, signed one the iconic loops which form a central part of the new facility.Work is continuing on the installation of the huge loops at the site off Penny Street.

The unique loops were designed by Capita in Blackburn and are being delivered to the site in stages. They arrive in two separate pieces and are put together by the constructors on site.

Once the steel work is completed, the next stage is will be the start of the roof cladding and then the installation of the glazed façade along the Ainsworth Street elevation.

Councillor Maureen Bateson said:

“It is great to see the bus station progressing well. The loops form a key part of the new building, which will feature all the latest facilities and technology once it is opened.”

Councillor Andy Kay added:

“This is a key part of the ongoing regeneration in the town centre and the new bus station will link closely to the new market and the Mall.”

Andy Smith from Barnes Construction said:

“This innovative cutting edge design will become a benchmark of quality construction within the town that will help transform the current area into a vibrant modern looking facility. As a local lad time served on buildings in Blackburn, I welcome this this new unique design which will further lift the Blackburn and Darwen area.”




Councillor Maureen Bateson, Executive Member for Regeneration with Andy Smith Contracts Manager from Barnes Construction, Altaf Master Associate Architect from Capita and Councillor Andy Kay, Executive Member for Resources from Blackburn with Darwen Council.