Artist's impression of the planned care home.
Published Monday 21 July 2014 at 15:57
Plans for a state of the art care home specialising in dementia are to be discussed at Planning and Highways Committee this Thursday.
Councillor Mohammed Khan, Executive Member for Health and Adult Social Care said
This is exactly the kind of facility we need in this borough. I am delighted to see the progress of this important development. Our older people deservethe highest quality services. It will provide excellent dementia care and I am especially pleased to hear about the innovative model CIC are proposing including the plans to deliver home care outreach via the community, helping residents to live independently in own homes as long as possible. It is currently going through the planning process but I am personally very excited about it. We like to see this as the first of a number ofexciting new developmentsfor older people in the Borough. We are looking forward to welcoming more.
Councilor Maureen Bateson, Executive Member for Regeneration and also an Ewood ward councillor, said
Speaking as the Executive Member for Regeneration, I am very pleased to see such investment being brought into the borough and I am also very pleased about the number of jobs this development could potentially create. I am also pleased it will continue to the regeneration of this area of Blackburn.Speaking as a ward member, this is good news for the area and I am pleased to hear about the plans to save the site’s history.I will be making sure local residents are involved in helping shape the memorial garden into a first class asset for the local community.Unfortunately, this site has become an eyesore and I believe residents in the area are looking forward to its redevelopment.
Christine Connell, chair of the Ivy Street Community Association, said
it’s a step forward because it is an eyesore. People are saying the building is getting worse and worse so I am pleased with how the plans are progressing. We are pleased with plans to have a memorial garden which retains the heritage of site and the community is looking forward to working closely with developers on plans for it.”
Filed under : Care Homes | Ewood | Health and Adult Social Care | Ivy Street Community Association | Maureen Bateson | Mohammed Khan | planning and highways committee | regeneration