Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic we’ve all had to adapt to new ways of working

Published Wednesday 22 July 2020 at 11:17

As part of the Council’s Worker Bee campaign, staff working across different departments are sharing their stories on adapting their roles during the Coronavirus outbreak.

Cara Thomas Kneen is a newly qualified social worker working within the council’s community mental health team.

Cara has seen her new role change in many ways and it has actually been quite beneficial for some clients, and she feels it has allowed her to gain and build relationships with clients that she might not have been able to do previously.

“I’m still learning but we’ve all adapted brilliantly,“ says Cara

Cara was unwell at the beginning of March – and after just two days, back in the office she found out she would be working from home.

She said:

I was a bit concerned about how I’d be able to do my job effectively at first.  I’ve only been working in this team since January and I’m still learning – but we’ve all adapted brilliantly.

Having to use things like WhatsApp and Facetime might have been a bit strange for us as social workers – but its second nature to a lot of the kids I work with. This has helped them feel at ease. They’ve seen us in our own home environment, and maybe experiencing some of the same things they are. It’s broken down barriers and helped build trust.

I’m not rushing out and saving lives, but I get a lot of satisfaction out of helping people. If I can help people cope and give them the ability to look at themselves and reflect and not want to take their own life then I’ve done my job.

I don’t go out and clap for myself on a Thursday. I go out and clap for the carers and the hospital workers – the people that are driving around and all the people that don’t have that choice and aren’t able to work from home. I don’t feel like a hero. I’m just doing the job I love.