Published Tuesday 20 June 2023 at 16:52
Children’s home SEEDS has been awarded a ‘good’ rating from Ofsted.
The home operates a short-break service and provides an outreach service where children ‘thrive’.
Operated by BWD Council, SEEDS is an acronym for Support, Experience, Enjoy, Develop & Succeed and is registered to provide care for up to five children.
The Ofsted report states that children are at the heart of everything the home does and that the children have positive relationships with staff that are built on honesty, trust and respect.
Children told inspectors that staff had brought stability into their lives and that they have made progress in their education, self-esteem, social skills, independence skills and emotional well-being.
They also said that the confidence that staff had instilled in them meant that they could now manage their emotions in a better way. This has helped them to improve their relationships with their families.
When referring to staff the report also said:
“Staff use strong safeguarding practice that promotes the welfare and safety of the children. This means that they have the skills and knowledge to identify any potential concerns. Children behave well and want to be here. They enjoy the company of the staff. Children said it was great that their stays were organised so that they could be with their friends. Children understand the home’s rules and boundaries and said that they feel safe here.
The home is led by a qualified, experienced and passionate manager. Her passion for improving outcomes for children is infectious and permeates throughout the staff team. She leads a committed staff team that shares her values and is making great strides in improving the lives of the children that they work with.”
Cllr Julie Gunn, Executive Member for Children’s Services said:
I’m extremely proud of the team at SEEDS and appreciate all that the staff members do on a daily basis.They really do have the best interests of children and young people at heart and it’s great to read the report focus on the children thriving at the home.
Parents are also very complimentary about the support they and their children receive, which has in many cases enabled families to stay together.
Director of Children’s Services and Education, Joanne Siddle added:
This is a wonderful report to read, many congratulations to all our staff at SEEDS, we are extremely proud to maintain good from Ofsted for the third time. Staff saying that they feel ‘blessed’ to be a part of the team shows just how much pride they take in the work that they do – truly living proud to be BwD.
The home’s ethos, which is centred around the needs of the children is so clear in the report. As always the team at SEEDs continue to ensure recommendations are addressed to provide our young people with the mots impactful experience.
The report ends by saying that a key strength of the home is the partnership working with other professionals and the children’s families.