Roadworks to start on Haslingden Road in the New Year

Published Wednesday 27 December 2023 at 12:18

Motorists and residents are advised that roadworks will be taking place on Haslingden Road from Monday, January 8 2024.

The highway works will last for approximately 16 weeks and will take place close to Junction 5 of the M65 between Queen’s Lodge Nursing Home and the roundabout at the main entrance to Royal Blackburn Hospital.

It will see the construction of a new junction from Haslingden Road on to proposed development land, and a parallel crossing to provide a safe crossing place for the proposed new development area.

There will also be localised widening works carried out during the same period. Casey Construction Group will be carrying out the works.

As with all works of this nature, there will be some inconvenience to motorists and residents, however Casey Construction Group will be phasing the works to make sure that any inconvenience is kept to a minimum.

Two-way temporary traffic signals will be used on Haslingden Road to maintain flows of traffic whilst keeping the workforce safe, but this won’t be for the full duration of the works.

Councillor Quesir Mahmood, Deputy Leader of Blackburn with Darwen Council and Executive Member for Growth and Development, said:

We know that Haslingden Road is very busy, especially at peak times, and this work may cause some slight delays, but every effort is being made by us and the contractors to minimise disruption while work is carried out.

It’s important this further work to the local road network is carried out to support the development land, to make it safer for both residents and motorists.

Advanced warning signs will be in place and residents and local businesses have been informed.