Road safety team praised for delivering education programmes during awareness month

Published Wednesday 30 November 2022 at 10:04

As Road Safety Awareness Month comes to an end Blackburn with Darwen’s Community Safety team are reminding residents to be safe.

During the month of November Community Safety Officer Andrew Duxbury and his team delivered road safety education to local children with lessons and interactive programmes, including a Be Bright Be Seen poster design competition.

Throughout the year the road safety team engage with early years and primary school children and deliver key messages on how to stay safe, enabling them to become more alert when out and about. So far, during this school year 1180 children have been educated. Andrew also works to engage, educate and enforce education around speed with drivers.

He said:

We are actively collaborating with the local neighbourhood policing teams to visit primary schools within the borough to continue delivering road safety education to our children to keep them safe on our roads.
It has been a great month for highlighting what we do although we are here all year round, if there are any other schools in the borough who want to arrange a road safety class, they can contact me directly to arrange this.

Deputy Leader and Executive Member for Children, Young People and Education, Julie Gunn, praised the work of the education programme leaders who delivered road safety to schools throughout November and will continue to engage with schools going forward.

Julie said:

We want to keep children in the borough as safe as we can, and these lessons are vital for primary school children to engage with the programme and learn about the dangers. I have been to some of these classes, and they are fun, interactive and engaging.
As Road Safety Awareness Month comes to an end, I want to thank the team for delivering these sessions and would encourage others to get in touch to take up the opportunity in keeping our young people safe on the roads.

If you want book road safety for your school contact or call 01254 666767.