Published Friday 23 June 2017 at 12:49
Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council has moved to reassure residents about fire safety in response to the Grenfell Tower fire.
Following investigations it has been confirmed that no cladding or insulation present in the Grenfell Tower building has been added to any high rise blocks in the borough.
The four residential blocks, which are owned by local housing associations, are subject to regular fire safety checks and there are robust fire safety procedures in place.
The Council’s Housing Standards team has worked closely with the housing associations and Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service.
Sayyed Osman, Blackburn with Darwen Council’s Director for Localities and Prevention, said:
This tragic incident has shocked everybody and our deepest sympathies go out to all those affected.
I would like to reassure residents that, whilst we don’t have a lot of high rise buildings here in the borough, for the ones we do have, we have completed multi-agency visits earlier this week.
We will also be helping advise the housing associations in the updating of civil contingencies plans for each of the Tower Blocks. This will be done in partnership with the housing association and emergency services.
The housing associations have been in contact with their residents and tenants to provide re-assurance which includes specific regard to anyone who may be vulnerable due to disability.
Mr Osman added:
As a further message of reassurance we would like to add that all Council owned and managed buildings including offices, schools and buildings open to the public are subject to the same regular and stringent fire safety checks and inspections.
The Council will await the outcome of the fire investigation and respond to any recommendations that come out of this tragic incident.
Fire safety advice
Residents can help to stay safe through following this advice:
- Make sure you have a working smoke alarm in your home
- Check your smoke alarm is working every month
- Keep balconies free from clutter
- Don’t leave rubbish or bikes in communal areas or obstruct escape routes
- Make sure you know where your nearest fire exit is
- Do not smoke in common areas of the block
- Always fully extinguish cigarettes smoked in your home and dispose of them carefully and safely
Further information is available on the Lancashire Fire and Rescue website: and on the LFB website specifically for people who live in purpose built flats and maisonettes
Filed under : Sayyed Osman