Residents blitz grot spot

Published Monday 14 March 2016 at 16:36

Residents joined forces with Wensley Fold ward councillors to clean up a grot spot over the weekend.

Several bags of rubbish were collected as volunteers blitzed the land in Irving Place.

Residents had raised concerns about the state of the area, so local councillors organised a Your Call clean-up.

Councillors Mohammed Khan, Dave Harling and Quesir Mahmood were joined by residents living nearby, the Council’s Neighbourhoods team and the Community Payback team last Sunday (March 14).

They picked up litter, cut overgrown bushes and trees and made the area look a lot nicer.

Councillor Khan said: “Residents highlighted the state of this piece of land so we wanted to take action quickly. It was great residents joined us and it looks ten times better than it did. It was tiring work but it was well worth the effort. This is what Your Call is all about, residents working with the Council to tackle problems in the community.”