Put your health questions to HARRI and the team!

Published Tuesday 15 September 2020 at 12:48

Got health and wellbeing queries but not sure who to ask? Put your questions to HARRI and the team!

The NHS’s HARRI bus will visiting communities in Blackburn and Darwen over the next week or so, to offer residents support with taking care of their health.

HARRI stands for Health Advice Recovery Resilience Information. Staff from the NHS and other local agencies will be on the bus to offer advice and information on all kinds of health related issues, including:

  • Covid-19 and preparing for winter
  • looking after your mental wellbeing
  • diabetes
  • sleep difficulties
  • getting more active
  • and lots more.

They can even offer information on health & wellbeing courses for local people, and jobs.

Look out for the HARRI bus in these locations:

  • Friday 18 September, 10am-3pm – Darwen Market Place
  • Friday 25 September, 10am-12pm – Shadsworth Community Hub, Rothesay Rd, Blackburn
  • Friday 25 September, 1pm–3pm – Little Harwood Community Centre, Whalley Old Rd, Blackburn

Appointments aren’t necessary to speak to the HARRI team – just turn up at a time that suits you.

Dr Pervez Muzaffar, a GP and the Clincal Director for Darwen, said:

I feel that the HARRI project has been very successful. Patients find it easy to discuss their health or social care concerns in private and away from the traditional health settings.

I hope we can continue to use this resource in our changing world, to give the right information to residents, particularly around self-help and self-care.

Councillor Mohammed Khan, Leader of Blackburn with Darwen Council and Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board, said:

We all need to take good care of ourselves, even more so as the winter season approaches as we continue to be in the grip of the global pandemic. The staff on board the HARRI bus can offer advice on taking good care of ourselves, getting ‘winter ready’.

If you feel you need support with your health – or that of a family member – please take the opportunity to talk to the NHS staff on board HARRI.

The HARRI bus is one of the many ways Lancashire Care NHS Foundation is reaching out to communities to promote positive aspects of mental health and wellbeing.

To find out more visit the Lancashire Care Facebook and Twitter accounts for the latest updates.

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