Pup poo-llution penalties to be handed out

Published Wednesday 28 September 2022 at 16:23

A new campaign is being launched across Blackburn with Darwen to tackle dog fouling, reminding dog owners to pick up after their pooch.

Since January, there’s been over 80 complaints about residents who haven’t picked up after their dogs ‘litter’ – leaving unsightly mess and smells for other residents to deal with.

New actions mean that routine pup patrols will now be taking place by undercover officers in dog walking hotspots, on the lookout for any faecal foul-play with the aim to educate members of the borough on this topic.

Fixed penalty notices will also be handed out as we look to make the streets and parks a cleaner place.

Former Covid Marshalls are also stepping up to hand out dog-poo bags and educate residents on the issue.

Our Public Protection and Environment Health team are endorsed by environmental charity Keep Britain Tidy and will be putting up new posters across the borough to tackle the problem.

The posters have a light-hearted slogan but ensure that the deeper message behind it isn’t lost.

Assistant Executive Member for Environment, Cllr Jim Casey, was keen to express the importance of this public issue –

We want our residents to be proud of our borough and these new actions will crack down on dog-fouling, as anti-littering remains a key priority for the Council.

We recognise that the vast majority of dog owners are well aware of their responsibility and tidy up after their pets, and we are targeting the minority of owners who have no regard for the mess they leave behind.

I also want to extend my thanks to the officers who have been patrolling across Blackburn with Darwen and I’d like to ask members of the public to stay vigilant and report anything they see.

Keep Britain Tidy reports that they have helped to reduce dog-fouling by up to 77%, and the Council have high hopes that his campaign will demonstrate similar success in Blackburn with Darwen.

Blackburn with Darwen is covered by a public space protection order (PSPO), made under the Anti-Social behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014. This helps to ensure we have a comprehensive and consistent approach when dealing with issues such as dog fouling and keeping dogs on leads.

Dog owners who don’t pick up their dog’s mess are a constant cause of complaint by people who have to suffer the consequences of this unpleasant offending.

You can report a dog that is consistently allowed by its owner to foul on public or private land by visiting our website.