Proxy vote – all you need to know

Published Friday 29 November 2019 at 14:19

What is a proxy vote how do you apply for one? Here’s all the information for you.

Voting by proxy means asking someone to vote on your behalf at the polling station because you are not able to vote in person.

The deadline is 5pm on Wednesday, December 4th, for proxy votes for this year’s general election,.

The election takes place on Thursday, December 12th.

You must have a specific reason to apply for a proxy vote.

These include:

  • Being away on polling day but missing the deadline for a postal vote.
  • Having a medical issue or a disability which means you can’t get to the polling station.
  • Urgent work reasons or if you are serving in the military.

Who can be a proxy?

Anyone can carry out a proxy vote, as long as they are registered to vote, allowed to vote in the general election and can vote in the polling station stated on your polling card.

If you need to apply for a proxy vote or change your proxy, please contact:

How to apply for a proxy vote

You must fill out a form for your specific circumstances. For example, there is a different form for people who want to vote by proxy because of work reasons or because of a disability. Make sure you fill out the correct one – the full list of forms is here.

The form will ask for your date of birth and signature to prevent fraud.  You might also need to ask someone to support your application.

You can also pick how long you want to vote by proxy for. It might just be for the upcoming election, for a certain period of time or on a permanent basis.

For more information, go to: or to: