Poultry keepers encouraged to take precautions against avian flu

Published Wednesday 6 September 2017 at 15:07

Poultry keepers have been warned by DEFRA to take precautions against avian flu this winter, as it is anticipated it will return to the UK. As the disease is thought to be transmitted by migrating waterfowl, there is a likelihood that the UK will suffer further outbreaks.

In the event of an outbreak in the local area, all flocks within the affected area would be culled, so poultry keepers are being encouraged to take simple precautions:

  • Keep the area where birds live clean and tidy, control rats and mice and regularly disinfect any hard surfaces. Clean footwear before and after visits.
  • Place birds’ food and water in fully enclosed areas that are protected from wild birds, and remove any spilled feed regularly.
  • Put fencing around outdoor areas where birds are allowed and limit their access to ponds or areas visited by wild waterfowl
  • Stay alert by signing-up online to a free service to receive text or email alerts on any outbreaks of bird flu in the UK. You can also quickly and easily register your flock online.

For further information visit https://www.gov.uk/government/news/poultry-keepers-urged-to-take-action-now-to-prepare-for-winter-avian-flu-threat