Special Remembrance light projection at Blackburn Town Hall

Published Sunday 8 November 2020 at 13:10

If you haven’t seen the stunning light projection show in the heart of Blackburn Town Centre yet – here’s a glimpse.

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These poignant images capture the very essence of why we as a nation come together each year to remember all of our fallen armed forces.

Blackburn Town Hall has been given a digital makeover and transformed into a light extravaganza – thanks to funding from Arts Council England (ACE).

The money has supported the delivery of an architectural mapping projection lighting installation for Blackburn Town Hall showing now until early January – featuring Remembrance Day graphics, a virtual Blackburn Festival of Light, and Christmas and New Year themed footage.

Until November 11, the Remembrance themed projection commissioned by Blackburn’s Business Improvement District and created by Double Take Projections, includes poweful images of Blackburn soldiers, wartime newspaper archives, local war poetry, and a poppies animation lighting up the town hall.

Each creative animation will be just a few minutes long and will run repeatedly from dusk each day.

Eddie Maxwell, Blackburn Poppy Appeal organiser, and Council officer, said:

“This stunning visual display on Blackburn Town Hall will commemorate those who sacrificed so much in the First World War, and in all conflicts since.

“It serves as a reminder to us all that as well as remembering these sacrifices, we still need to support those in our armed forces community – and more so during the current climate where those serving continue to act with such selfless valour.

“It’s a great display and it reminds everyone that every poppy counts as we approach Remembrance Sunday.”

Blackburn town centre BID, which supports town centre businesses, has been working in partnership with Blackburn Festival of Light, Blackburn with Darwen Council, Blackburn Central Library and Blackburn Museum to bring the attraction to the town.

Catherine Price, Blackburn Town Centre BID Manager, said:

“With the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic meaning that large scale events cannot go ahead, we have been working hard with partners on ‘reimagining Christmas’.

“This year we’ve had to take a very different approach to ensure that we still support the businesses within the town centre, but also ensure the safety of visitors – no matter what restrictions are in place.

“We have commissioned creative animations to be projected on to Blackburn Town Hall and we’re sure that this digital approach will bring Blackburn to life in a safe and engaging way. I’m really proud that we can include a Remembrance themed projection in our activities to mark the occasion and provide a safe way for us to honour and remember the service and sacrifice of the Armed Forces community.”

Council Leader, Cllr Mohammed Khan, CBE, added: “My special thanks go to the BID team and to our library staff who researched this historic archived footage to bring this project to life in such a powerful and thought-provoking way.

“The imagery and poetry are absolutely breath-taking.

“The project has really helped to capture the stories of our borough’s past whilst highlighting the huge sacrifices many of our borough’s soldiers and armed forces made for the freedoms that we have today.”

Whilst this year remembrance parades can’t take place due to Coronavirus restrictions, the Council will be laying wreaths at both Corporation Park in Blackburn and Bold Venture Park in Darwen.

Virtual remembrance services will also be broadcast online from the Cathedral in Blackburn and St Peter’s Church, Darwen for anyone who wants to watch.

Images of poppies have also been laid across the borough’s road network to mark this year’s Remembrance.

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