Published Tuesday 5 September 2017 at 14:46
A challenge has been set to artists of all ages and abilities to enter the Rapid Painting Competition this Saturday.
Paint the Town… is now running in its third year and has attracted a lot of national interest in previous years, being featured on the BBC Get Creative website front page and being lauded by Heritage Open Days as an example of best practice.
The competition is simple; create a piece of art on the Saturday within Blackburn and the surrounding borough along the theme of Old and New.
We are accepting painting, drawing, textile, sculpture, collage, analogue photography and more as long as it is registered and produced in the day.
Registration will start at 9am at the Bureau in Blackburn and the work must be returned by 6pm to be entered into the competition. A private viewing of the work will take place the day after from 2-4pm.
On Thursday, September 21 at 6.30pm judging and prize giving event will take place in the Bureau.
Please remember to bring your own board, canvas and materials on the day to be stamped and numbered.
For more information visit the BureauBlackburn.co.uk