Published Wednesday 10 June 2015 at 15:34
Part of a new link road at Ewood is due to open on Monday, June 15.
The Blackburn-bound side of the new carriageway will be open to traffic heading along Bolton Road towards Infirmary and the town centre.
This will allow work to start on the other side of the link road and the construction of a new roundabout at the junction of Livesey Branch Road and linked to Aqueduct Street.
The new road will be clearly signposted for motorists and pedestrians.
It is part of the wider £40 million Pennine Reach project which is funded by the Department for Transport is being jointly led by the two local highway authorities, Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council and Lancashire County Council.
Councillor Jamie Groves, Assistant Executive Member for Regeneration said:
The new link road is designed to reduce congestion and improve the flow of traffic in the area. Ewood is very busy, especially on match days. It is due to open fully in September when both sides of the link road will keep the traffic moving and there will be a new public transport priority for buses along Bolton Road.
A drop in meeting has been arranged for June 19th between 4pm and 7pm at the Blues Bar at Ewood Park. Council officers will be on hand to answer questions about the new road layout and speak to residents in the area.
Filed under : Councillor | Ewood | Jamie Groves | Pennine Reach