Published Wednesday 6 May 2020 at 10:18
The next online Q&A event for local businesses is taking place on Thursday, May 7th to give support during the coronavirus crisis.
It will take place from 10am at www.blackburnbid.co.uk
Hosted in partnership by Blackburn Town Centre BID, the BwD Hive Business network and Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council, these fortnightly online business support sessions have seen local businesses help each other through these unprecedented times.
Representing a real community effort, these sessions, which are supported by members of the Blackburn Town Centre BID and BwD Hive, have seen 34 questions asked and 70 answers provided. The questions and answers have so far had over 1,300 views across the two events and is hopefully helping lots of businesses across the area.
The next Q&A will focus on supporting businesses, both with the financial support available and starting to think about and plan for transition and recovery.
The morning sessions will cover:
10am – 11am: General advice on business rate relief, grants and financial support available.
11.30am – 12.30pm: Hot topic, CBILS, Bounce Back Loans and Support for the Self-Employed
The afternoon session will take place from 1.30pm and will be an opportunity to ask any questions you have about supporting your business through this crisis and planning for re-opening and recovery.
However, these events are designed for business, by business and the partnership will always try to make sure that your queries or your areas of concern are covered.
So that we can make sure that the right experts are on hand to support these sessions, please don’t hesitate to contact catherine.price@newground.co.uk to discuss what advice you are looking for at this time.
This could be: help with marketing, reinstating staff, protecting the health of your staff and your customers or support for yourself as a business owner.
Blackburn Town Centre BID Chair, Nicola Clayton, and The Chair of Hive, Ian Brown, said:
Both the Hive and the BID are working hard to support our local businesses through these worrying and challenging times. Please let us know what your areas of concern are and please take part in the sessions so that we can provide you with the advice and support you need”.
Councillor Phil Riley, Blackburn with Darwen Council’s Executive Member for Growth and Development, said:
These sessions are really useful for giving further support to local businesses and firms and the feedback so far has been very positive. There are a range of experts on hand to offer help in specific areas and I would encourage any businesses with questions about the current situation to log on and see how we can help.
It’s also important to recognise that this crisis will end and businesses need to be thinking and discussing the steps needed to get the town centre working again.”
Filed under : Blackburn Town Centre BID | Blackburn with Darwen Council | business support | Councillor | Hive | online sessions | Phil Riley