One Voice Youth Tackled Rubbish in Blackburn

Published Tuesday 24 November 2015 at 13:06

Youth volunteers from One Voice took to the streets of Blackburn on Sunday 15th November in a bid to clean up the streets.

As part of the ‘Your Community Your Call’ initiative the WEGs, 2020 Vision, and staff at local community group One Voice were involved in the initiative on Victoria Street and Whalley Range in Blackburn.

One Voice is a community group set up to improve the social and economic well being of the most deprived communities in Blackburn and Darwen.

WEGs Lead Aisha Seedat said,

“We had great fun working together as a team, despite the taxing weather conditions.

“It is wonderful to see so many young people motivated for the same cause.

“There’s a huge sense of accomplishment after you do something constructive and positive for the town you live in.

“We ended up collecting 19 bags of rubbish in total.”

Zahra Ahmed, 17, from the WEGS group was pleased to be involved in the clean-up.

“Litter picking is a way of working together in the local community to bring about a positive change to the streets of Blackburn.

“The WEGS were excited at the chance to make a change within the community and strive to improve developments within our town through such initiatives.

“We are optimistic that members within the area will mirror our enthusiasm and therefore feel encouraged to fulfill this duty and moral obligation in keeping our borough clean.”

The WEGS embarked upon a successful litter picking exercise in Whalley Range in Blackburn earlier this year in July. They are also planning further litter picking sessions on routes into Blackburn to ensure that their home town is seen in the very best light.

Councillor Mohammed Khan, leader of the Council, said: “I am delighted to hear about young people helping out to make the borough a better place to live, work and visit. This is exactly what Your Call is all about.”

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