Nursery places available for keyworkers

Published Friday 27 March 2020 at 11:54

The Council’s Early Help and Support team is providing a revised childcare support service to help parents who are keyworkers to find nursery places for their children during this crisis.

This service is for keyworker parents and parents of vulnerable children to help them find alternative childcare where their current nursery or child-minding service has closed due to the Covid – 19 pandemic.

All settings will comply with Early Years Foundation Stage statuary regulations, including  staff to child ratios, and are Ofsted registered to help parents go to work and carry out their crucial jobs.

Cllr Maureen Bateson, Executive Member for Children, Education and Young People, said:

Our early years teams are doing what they can to ensure we continue to support parents who need to be able to go to work during this crisis, many of them serving at the front line to help save lives.

Parents should be advised that a number of childminders and nurseries, including the boroughs own provision in Children’s Centres, are still open and can offer places to support keyworkers to continue to be in work.

I’d like to thank all our staff and those still operating these vital services to provide care and education for our children during this difficult time.

These places can be accessed even if you do not live in Blackburn with Darwen.

All you need to do if you need some help in finding care is to email: with:

  • Parents name
  • Contact details ( Email and telephone )
  • Your work role
  • Age/s of your child/ren ( DOB)
  • The days and times you need care for
  • Possible area

A member of the team will contact you back to help you identify a place. Alternatively, if you have any questions at all you can ring the Family Information Service on: 01254 667877.