Published Friday 8 June 2018 at 16:28
The views of NHS Hearing Aid users are being sought by CCGs across Lancashire and South Cumbria.
The views and experiences of NHS hearing aid users with age related hearing loss, over 50 years of age, are being sought to help understand what NHS hearing aid services are like locally and to help improve them.
Dr Adam Black, GP lead for audiology services, and a Blackburn with Darwen GP said:
We are asking people living anywhere in Lancashire or South Cumbria, who are over the age of 50 who use NHS hearing aids to tell us what they think of the service and their experience of living with an NHS hearing aid. The survey, which has been produced in partnership with patients, doesn’t take much time to complete, is confidential, and will help us understand what people who use NHS hearing aid services think about those services. Our vision for people with age related hearing problems is for them to receive, high quality, efficient services delivered closer to home, with short waiting times which are highly responsive to their needs.
We are looking to ensure that patients over 50 with age related hearing loss have a comprehensive patient-centred integrated adult hearing service which will include the provision of hearing aids for age-related hearing loss in line with national guidance and local requirements.
We think that there is significant variation in the service arrangements, quality and the outcomes for the over 50s who use NHS hearing aid services across Lancashire and South Cumbria. So that’s why we are asking NHS hearing aid users over the age of 50 with age related hearing loss for their views about NHS hearing aid services.
People over 50 with age related hearing loss, can currently chose to obtain an NHS hearing aid, following a referral from their GP from their local NHS Trust or from high street retail providers . Services include:
- Audiology (hearing tests and assessments)
- Provision and fitting of hearing aids,
- Patient education, including self-care advice and information,
- Follow up appointments and after care,
People using NHS hearing aids, over the age of 50 or relatives or carers can complete the questionnaire online or can contact 01282 644 627 to obtain help to complete the survey.