Left to right: David Belshaw, Framework Manager (Seddon), Tim Webber, Managing Director (Barnfield), Harry Catherall, Chief Executive (Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council), Simon Jones, Programme Director (Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council), Diane Bourne, Group Director (Eric Wright Group), Nigel Taylor, Managing Director (I & H Brown), Matthew Sorrigan, Business Development Director (Casey).
Published Tuesday 16 January 2018 at 14:15
Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council is launching a new Contractor and Development Framework aimed at streamlining development in the borough.
It will speed up the rate at which Council owned sites can be developed and make it easier to procure construction and civil engineering works for growth projects and capital programmes.
With the Council’s ambitious and exciting programme for growth that has over 180 sites earmarked for development, the Framework will facilitate development for some of those sites on both private and public sector land. In addition, it will allow the creation of new employment, housing and town centre opportunities.
Two of the new projects that will benefit are the construction of the new Reel independent cinema on the site of the former Waves leisure centre and the new multi-use public space in Darwen Town Centre that replaces the 3 day market building.
It follows a robust evaluation and open tendering process that saw five private sector organisations successfully demonstrate they could work collaboratively with the Council to develop identified strategic sites.
The appointed bidders were announced at a launch event on Friday (January 12) as Barnfield Construction, Casey, Eric Wright Group, I & H Brown and Seddon. The Framework which will operate for a minimum of four years with a possible four year extension, will also be open for any public sector body within Lancashire to use, overseen by Growth Lancashire.
Not only does it allow the appointed partners to have involvement with schemes early on they are also able to deliver better value for money by being able to plan for developments at an earlier stage.
The Framework will also deliver additional benefits over the way the Council has previously worked with developers by creating closer relationships and committing developers to various targets covering jobs, apprenticeships and training opportunities
Cllr Phil Riley, Council’s Executive Member for Regeneration at Blackburn with Darwen Council, said:
This Framework further demonstrates market confidence in Blackburn with Darwen with investment and commitment from five respected local and regional companies.
Simon Jones, Council’s Growth Programme Director, said:
The flexibility of this Framework to deliver construction, civil engineering and development schemes will help accelerate growth across the Borough delivering our infrastructure schemes supported by LEP Growth Deal 3 funding.
Steve Cochrane, Growth Lancashire Director, said:
Growth Lancashire is pleased to be supporting the wider roll-out of this Framework across Lancashire and will help administer the Framework for any public sector partners wishing to use this flexible procurement route.