New chair for police and crime panel

Published Friday 10 July 2015 at 8:59

Chorley leader Councillor Alistair Bradley is the new chair of the Lancashire Police and Crime Panel.

Councillor Bradley was elected at the panel’s recent annual general meeting at Blackpool Council.

Councillor Alyson Barnes, leader of Rossendale Council, was elected vice chair.

Councillor Andy Kay is Blackburn with Darwen’s representative on the panel.

The Police and Crime Panel, which is made up of councillors and lay representatives from across Lancashire, oversees the work of the Lancashire Police and Crime Commissioner Clive Grunshaw.

The role of the PCP includes:

  • reviewing the PCC’s proposals for the amount of council tax local people pay towards policing.  It has the power to veto these proposals if it considers the amount is inappropriate
  • considering the PCC’s Police and Crime plan and Annual Report
  • considering the PCC’s proposals for the appointment of a new Chief Constable, with the power to veto
  • investigating complaints about the PCC

The PCP does not scrutinise the performance of the Force as a whole or the Chief Constable as this is the responsibility of the PCC.  It can request reports from the PCC and if it wishes, call the PCC to attend its meetings.

Councillor Bradley said: “I am looking forward to working with my fellow colleagues on the panel and scrutinising the work the Police and Crime Commissioner is doing especially as all public services are facing tough times in terms of their resources. The panel can play an important role in making sure the PCC’s plans reflect the wishes of the people in Lancashire and hold the position to account.”

Councillor Barnes said: “As vice chair, I will be working hard with Councillor Bradley and my other colleagues on the panel to make sure we can effectively scrutinise the work the PCC is doing.”

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