Published Wednesday 3 February 2016 at 16:06
Blackburn with Darwen’s Returning Officer is encouraging people not to miss out on their chance to vote by making sure they are registered.
Harry Catherall is urging people to use National Voter Registration Day this Friday to get the message out about the importance of being on the electoral roll.
The Council will be taking to social media to support Bite the Ballot’s annual voter registration drive.
Mr Catherall said:
The right to vote in elections is a fundamental part of living in an open and democratic society. If you are not on the register, you won’t be able to vote. If you don’t vote, you don’t have a say in how things are run.
He added:
Not being registered can also affect your credit rating making things like getting a mortgage harder to get.
In May, residents will be voting in the Police and Crime Commissioner, Blackburn with Darwen Council, Darwen Town Council and parish elections.
The deadline to register for May’s elections is Monday 18 April 2016.
Mr Catherall said:
There is still time but it’s running out quickly. I would urge people to use Friday to tell their friends, relations and workplace colleagues how important being registered to vote is.
Registering to vote only takes a few minutes online. Visit for details.
You can also get help and assistance by emailing or telephoning 01254 585920.
Filed under : elections | Harry Catherall | National voter registration day | takepower | voting